Pond pumps and filters

Pond Pumps and Filters

Do you need a filter or not?

At Windsor fish hatchery we did get a lot of customers confused about the need to filter their pond? some say they have had great luck letting the pond " go natural" 

A man made pond, though, is not a natural environment, and will only benefit from some form of filtration or at least aeration.

At the windsor hatchery we had 26 ponds in the shop area with fish in them and not one was unfiltered. Our only unfiltered ponds are our grow ponds for the plants.

Not filtering the water of organic wastes, will cause cloudy,smelly, murky water.

Filtering  cuts down on maintenance of the pond, you are also conserving water by cleaning and recycling the water.

Filtering also allows for clear water for viewing the ponds inhabitants.



The more fish you have, the more filtration is necessary to keep the water and the fish healthy. Fish produce ammonia from both their gills and kidneys. Ammonia is also produced from other organic matter decaying in the pond. Whatever the source, ammonia is toxic to fish and must be removed from the water. The addition of a f

There are 3 main types of pond filtration

1 Mechanical .............large particles are trapped in a remobeable pond filter.

2 UV Clarification........Ultra-Violet light causes suspended particles to clump together, which facilitates the task for mechanical filters.

UV ligth also helps to sterilize algae, which will keep your pond clear.

3 Biological .............Beneficial bacteria feed on water impurities, which effectively breaks down fish waste and other organic matter. A pond block will aid in stablizing your pH and adding beneficial.

PUMPs with PRE-FILTERS and FOUNTAIN KITS pre- filters are small blocks of foam that come with pumps, the purpose of the pre-filter is to prevent pieces of debris from clogging the pump, they are not intended to remove waste.

The purpose of a pump is to enable you to move water around your pond for the benefit of water features such as waterfalls and fountains and to provide oxygen to the ponds inhabitants.

Moving water also deters mosquitos from breeding in the pond.

At the new hatchery on the central coast we will be promoting the types of filters we use in our own ponds.

 At the new hatchery (Misty pines farm) we will breed Koi and goldfish and once we are underway we will always have a large selection to choose from in the online shop, where koi and goldfish are available to order. if you are out of area and wish to purchase some koi or goldfish, we have a courier service Australia wide that delivers to your door.


